Tough Questions
Chris Kyle was always in the battle zone no matter what the enemy had to give him. On page 412, it stated that "the enemy already put a bounty on my head, cause I was that dangerous." It caught into my head that he knows he's a bounty, so why not give all he's got and not stay far back. It also stated that " I was never afraid of the enemy, I just see them and shoot them. That's what I was trained for." So, why is he falling back if he knows he has the firepower to hit the enemy back.
A-HA Moment
During the chapter 34 and 36, it talks about memories of his wedding. But the problem is, it distracts him and not pay attention to the battlefront. He's trained to set his mind and shoot the enemy. It stated on page 395 that " Thinking about my wedding, takes me out of the battlefront and go into my daydreaming." It proves that even the most lethal sniper can get of task.
Is that what you wanted that quote to prove? Why is that an ah-ha moment? Needs more explanation.