American Indians have been marginalized in society for centuries of time. Explorers have killed and conquered land from the American Indians. In the article it states that "By 1879, settlers and the U.S. Army had forced most tribes off their lands, and (white man) diseases had devastated the native population." Therefore, American Indians have been kicked off from there own land since explores came. Also American Indians have been killed or trying to kill the Indian of the person. In the article it states that "Pratt also planned to (civilize) them-to strip them of their traditions and ways of life. Pratt believed that the children needed to completely abandon their (Indian-ness) in order to succeed in America. This proves how American Indians were being brainwash and trying to get rid of their religion. "Kill the Indian, save the man," was Pratt's saying
Luther Standing Bear and Shanice Britton were both American Indians who had both similarities and differences. Both Luther and Shanice lived in the West part of the United States. In the article it talks about how many American Indians use to live in the West and today many still live in the Western part of the US. This proves that both people lived in the same area of land in the US. Shanice lived through a period were the government protected their land and gave American Indians acres of land to them. Ironically Luther Standing Bear was one of the people to drive the US government to help and protect Native Americans. This proves how society has respected their culture now than back in history.
Where does your 2nd quote end? There are no end quotation marks, Be careful not to forget this.