
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Final "Night" Blog 5

       Finally, the book by Elie Wiesel, has ended. The true story of a Holocaust survivor has finally come to a conclusion. Its unfortunate that Elie's father was gassed to death was a sad ending. I thought both him and his father would survive the camp together. But not all ending become happy for everyone. The war was over, now what Elie must do not knowing if he had anymore family members left alive? There's so much information that Elie hasn't told us in the book night. All in all I was exceed of the story of a Holocaust survivor and how it felt being there.  

       These types of genres I enjoy to read. Reading Holocaust/WWII makes me think of they survive or how things were like during the late 30's and early 40's Its one of the strategies I do if I'm choosing a book to read. I've always liked reading these types of of heroic stories or reading a story of survivor and how he/she battled it. Reading the type of genre you like can help you feel comfortable about your book. Yea, once in a while you need mix up the genres you read but it's always important to read a book, based on the genre you like. 

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Ask and the Answer Blog 3

       So far for the sum of "The Ask and the Answer" Todd and Viola have reunited for the first time since the beginning of the story. They had overcome there problems of fear but there enemy is still to be. In the alternating side, Viola has overcome her stubbornness and Todd has become less violent. (I know its confusing because they have alternating sides) The enemy is still lurking around in Heaven and trying to hunt Todd and Viola down. But still there recovering remembering what happen and how they came to "heaven". In the middle of the book they discover that they had friends like in "heaven". But there not named there just related as friends. 

       Some of the interesting part of the plot is that in the beginning they are stranded in a deserted place called "heaven"? Then in the next event after that they separated but they can contacted each other by voice because there is nothing there. Now leading after that, they see a familiar face known as Mayor Prentiss or "The Enemy". Now there trying battle the enemy but they get injured in the process. There healing there battle wounds, now they have to ask why they are here? They asked and they want a answer. 

Night Summary Blog 4

       So far in the book "Night" the author is the main character, which means he's telling his perspective during the Holocaust in 1944. The camp he went to is in Poland near Warsaw and Auschwitz. He remembers the horrors of the Holocaust. For example, " I see a boy hanging down in a tree. His mouth gaping and his tongue loose/ripped." Later as he survives he encounters people from the Holocaust. Some they remember, but some they completely ignore Eli. Some of things Eli saw was horrific that any human should never ever have to see in there life. For example, " Once the Germans order us to take our clothes off and run to the shelter running while it was rocky and pouring." That's just some of the basic's that Eli had to encounter in the Holocaust.

        One of the Memory Moment in the story is the whole story. The book first starts in the 50's and he tells the story of what he did during the Holocaust in 1944. He remembers the ghettos and later transferred to camp in Poland. He also describes what the Germans did when they came to there house and took them into the ghetto. Also that he wrote "Night" for a reason, to tell people how was the Holocaust during the war and how he overcome it now (in the 50's) He goes into detail of what he experience during the Holocaust and what the horrors were.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Bystanders of the Holocaust

        I believe the reason why, that there were many bystanders during the holocaust in Germany and all over the world is that they were afraid. People probably knew what was going on, but maybe they didn't care. They know if they standing up against a much powerful force in Europe. Or maybe people didn't wanted to deal with the problem. People know if they get caught protecting Jews, they're dead in a instant. I think that the reason why people stood up against the Third Right is that they may have family members they know got caught from the SS. Also, that they wanted to challenge the Nazi and try to battle them to believe whats right. I think what inspired others is that they showed maybe propaganda against the Nazis or maybe they seen footage of whats going on in ghettoes the during the time. I think what they did to help is that they kept the Jews safe in there house, or maybe they kept them as workers in a factory like Schindler did. If a lot more people had the guts to face the Germans, we may have cause the Holocaust end sooner or maybe even longer?